Darryn and I had the hardest time deciding a destination for our honeymoon. We were planning it for end of June so we thought we would pick somewhere we wouldn't typically pick if we had been leaving in the winter. So we made a list and finally narrowed it down between Alaska and Iceland. When we learned that Iceland is daylight pretty much 24 hours a day at that time of year, we quickly made a decision.

After researching some of the things to do and see there I started to question if 1 week was enough time. I didn't find many posts or itineraries online that were done in 1 week but I figured we would try and worst case situation would be having to come back one day (not so bad really). Now that we've done it, I can honestly say that longer than 1 week would have been amazing but only because Iceland is incredible. We traveled the whole ring road and more and didn't feel like we missed out on much. There really wasn't anything we missed out on that we wanted to see or do. So yes I think 1 week is fine. I don't think it matters how much time you go, either way you will want to go back.

I spent so much time planning this trip and trying to create the most perfect itinerary for us and I should have just left it at home. It is so beautiful and there is so much to see that I would strongly suggest you don't waste your time (unless your like me and enjoy planning a trip almost as much as taking it). With endless amounts of daylight and a camper van you are pretty much free to do whatever whenever you want.

About the camper van- We rented a camper van off of air bnb. It was VERY basic (I posted the link at the bottom). There was our seats up front with very little storage and the whole back was a bed with some storage under it. When we booked it we actually thought the bed folded up but it definitely did not. I feel like we ate out a lot because of this. On the rainy or windy days we would have really used the back if it folded up not only to save money but because there are so many nice spots to just park and have a picnic. Our suitcases didn't fit underneath the bed so every time we wanted to go to sleep we had to put our suitcase back together, zip it up, and put it on our front seats. Usually I wouldn't complain about something like this but when its pouring and the wind is so strong that is it practically ripping off your van door its not that fun (the only way to access the bed is going outside to the side van door or back van door). The cooler that was supplied with the van also didn't fit underneath. Our first day we stopped and grabbed some road snacks and ice. We didn't get very far before we realized the cooler had tipped over leaving ice all over our bed. We still enjoyed the experience of having the van. It was so cozy inside and it really gave us the freedom of coming and going as we pleased. You can pull in at mostly every campground there at any time so you don't have to worry about check in or check out times like you would at a hotel. We saw so many other camper vans with SO many different set ups that would have made life a bit easier, so next time I will do my research a little more in that department.

I also want to remind you that Iceland is 5 hours behind us so when you read we went to bed at 3 in the morning it is actually only 10 at night to us. We found it easier to just stay on our natural schedules instead of trying to adjust to theirs. It worked out for us because we got to see everything when no one was there. We also didn't have to adjust when we got back home either so we actually would suggest it.

You will also read and hear that Iceland is very expensive. We didn't really find this to be true. Ya sure its more expensive than your average Caribbean destination but we found the pricing very similar to home minus the alcohol. But you don't tip so that kind of makes up for that. We also bought some alcohol to have with us at duty free since it is much cheaper than in the stores.

Here is a little bit of our journey around the ring road and places we stayed.

Day 1- Arrived in Reykjavik and picked up the camper van. We drove an hour west outside the main city and decided to pull over for a little bit of a nap (we were so tired and a bit hungover from celebrating our marriage the day before). After our little cat nap we stopped at a gas station for some snacks. Side note- The gas stations in this country actually have really good food and most have hot/cold deli sections. We ate at lots of them throughout the whole trip. 
We then headed to see Kirkjufellsfoss. We were quickly blown away at the amount of waterfalls on the side of the highway. They are pretty significant too. We were stopping every 5 minutes to admire and photograph one. We thought we would get use to the breathtaking views everywhere you drove but you don't! We had an early dinner at Bjargarsteinn Mathus. We knew that this meal would be a little expensive but we just got married and the view of Kirkjufellsfoss was really nice. Darryn got the 5 course tasting option. I got a bowl of soup and their catch of the day. Everything was so delicious. Our bill was around $130 which I actually don't find that bad! 
We left there and headed to Hvammstangi Campground: Its located in a cute little town called Hvammstangi just off the main highway. We got there just after midnight. We parked and climbed in bed. There is a secured box inside the kitchen area to put your camping fee. 

Day 2- We used the town swimming pool for showers the next morning. Side note- Iceland is very open about changing in public so don't be weirded out to see all the woman naked in the change room just hanging out. This took a couple of times to get use to but by the end I actually found it kind of refreshing to not have to worry about covering up. 
 We ate at this old time cafe called Hladan Kaffihus. We both just asked them to makes us egg sandwiches to go and coffee. I don't think they really eat fried egg sandwiches there as they were a bit confused but they turned out good! Tip- they sold a few wool souvenirs here that I liked but didn't buy because it was our first place but I never found cheaper prices and really wish I bought that pair of wool socks :( 
We hit the road and headed towards Akureyi. We didn't stop much. Only for a a hot pot that is just outside of Varmahalio. I have put the directions below. It will seem a bit sketchy at first but there were a bunch of other people. Do it. You wont regret it.
 When we arrived in Akureyi it was amazing. The whole town was out in the street watching their country play soccer on a jumbo-tron. We sat and cheered with them for a bit. They unfortunately lost. We walked around the town a bit before getting dinner at Strikio. Its a 5th floor restaurant with AMAZING views of the bay. We both ordered different kinds of sushi and its some of the best we ever had. It was so fresh! 
After dinner we booked a late night whale watching tour. It started at 11 pm. We both had never seen a whale in the wild before so we were both very hopeful but also very hesitant. Ill start off by saying you can not come here and not take this tour. You will see a whale, we saw SO many! Even if for some weird reason you didn't see them, the views from the bay looking back at the town and mountains are so gorgeous!! I think knowing it was midnight made it even better.
Since going to bed late and waking up late seemed to be working for us we decided to keep driving after the tour. We drove to Godafoss Waterfall and stayed at Fossholl (right across the street from Godafoss Waterfall) Beautiful location!!! I would strongly suggest arriving to Godafoss late at night or early in the morning. We arrived just before 2 am and there was not one other person but when we woke up in the morning the place was swarmed with tour buses and there was hundreds of people. There is a cafe and souvenir store beside the hotel. EVERYTHING is crazy expensive. Don't even waste your time going in. The hotel/campground has a restaurant that is only open for breakfast but we unfortunately didn't get to try it . When you stay up till 3 am breakfast hours come pretty fast.

Day 3- If you are waking up late like us, plan to have breaky in the van that day. We left there and headed to the Myvatn Baths. We spent a couple hours here and had lunch. Myvatn Baths are kind of pricey but not nearly as bad as the Blue Lagoon. Good news is they are just as nice in our opinion. So if you find yourself on this side of the country its definitely worth a visit. 
After Myvatn we explored the Grjotagja Cave (game of thrones), climbed Hverfjall crater (alot harder then it looks), and admired the Dettifoss Waterfall (you will get soaked). 
After a very full day of adventure we headed towards Seydisfjourdur. We had planned on just going for dinner and a quick kayak in the bay and then leaving town. We ended up staying on the side of the road in the town. We really didn't plan for this to happen and I know your not "suppose" to sleep just anywhere but when we arrived in Seydisfjordur we were so overwhelmed with this towns beauty that we completely forgot about finding somewhere for the night. They have a campground there but it looked super packed. Seydisfjordur is a very small fishing village at the end of a very scenic waterfall filled highway (93). It took us 2 hours to get down the 17 km long road from Egilsstadir because we couldn't stop pulling over to catch our breath. If you could only pick 1 spot to go in Iceland pick here. I almost hate writing about it because I want to keep it a secret. We were so bummed we could only spend 1 night here. There isn't much accommodation options here so I would book far in advance. We had dinner at Nordic restaurant which was a little pricey but really good. We actually wanted to go to the Nord Austur Sushi & Bar but couldn't find it. We had heard the sushi was amazing and it turns out it was literally right above us. Oh well next time, right? After dinner we walked to a waterfall that is on the right side of the bay.
When we were tired we drove back up the road a couple kms where there was this small pull off in front of a waterfall. We parked there and opened our back doors to stare at the unbelievable Gufafoss waterfall. This unfortunately did not last long. The sound and vibration of cars and transport trucks coming down the road next to the pull off overpowered the sound and look of the waterfall. We decided to sleep in a little parking lot instead. The view was still amazing. There really isn't a bad view in that town. 

Day 4- Since we went to bed so late every night we would sleep in so we found finding breakfast kind of hard. We ended up getting some pastries in the bakery section at their local grocery store. We used there local swimming pool for showers and a hot tub. I had decided that if I was buying an Icelandic sweater it had to be from that town so that every time I wore it I would think of Seydisfjoudur. So we headed to the little shops and I finally found the most BEAUTIFUL one. I spent a small fortune on it but I love it so much and i considered it a wedding gift to myself. There is a picture of it below.
Even though we really didn't want to leave that town we had to hit the road again because we were now getting into east Iceland which we knew had quite a bit of stuff. We drove a part of the highway that was so scenic. We wouldn't see any cars for hours. We stopped for some lunch on the side of the road and enjoyed some views. We hiked to a waterfall we could see off the main road. 
We finally arrived in Hofn. Hofn is know for lobster so we know that is what we would be getting. We ate at Pakkhus, It is located in a harbor side warehouse and you can literally stare at the boats that just came in with your lobster (the menu tells you what boat). We obviously got the lobster and it was unreal!! Highly recommend this place! After dinner we walked around town and then spent the night in the Hofn campground.

Day 5- We woke up just before lunch (again) and hit the road right away stopping at a gas station for some food. We drove to the Jokulsarlon Ice Lagoon- Before we left for Iceland I was really torn if I should book a tour here and decided not to because I didn't want to have to worry about making it on time. I had also read that you get the same view from the road. I am SO happy I did not spend the money and book a tour. I'm sure it would have been cool going on a boat into the lagoon but the view standing there is just as incredible. I cant believe this is just right at the side of the main highway, I remember when Darryn and I were pulling up it came out of no where and we were both shocked. We knew it would be cool but this completely blew us away. This is a must see!! We spent a a good hour or two here and then decided to head on.
We then headed to Skaftafell and Svartifoss. If you decide to do the trail you will be hiking for a while. Its not hard , just long. We hiked for a couple of hours and since it was midnight we had everything to ourselves. The view at the top is breathtaking. After our hike we left when we really should have just stayed at the campground there. But we didn't so we stayed on the side of the road- I know I said this last time but we really didn't plan on it this night either. About a half hour after we left we realized how tired we actually were so we pulled off somewhere between Skaftafell and Vik. We weren't the only people either so I don't feel so bad.

Day 6- I think this was the only day we woke up some what early because we knew it was going to be a long day. We picked up a quick snack from a gas station and toured the Fjadrargljufur Canyon. We lucked out with not having too many people here even though it was middle of the day. 
After that we drove into Vik where we explored the black sand beach and had lunch at Halldorskaffi. We both had pizza and again it was AMAZING! After lunch we hit the road and visited Skogafoss waterfall. 
We then headed to the Seljavallaug swimming pool. Its a swimming pool built in 1923 and filled by a natural hot spring. It is maintained only by volunteers and the conditions are not the best. The water is not the warmest either but it is tucked in this very serene valley and I would definitely still pay it a visit. It is 7 km from Skogar on route 246. Follow rte 242 and signs 2 km to Seljavellir. Park by the farm and walk up the valley for about 10 minutes, There are change rooms but they are not very private and definitely not clean. 
We then had dinner at Gamla Fjosio. It is right off the main highway and built out of an old cow shed. I got a burger (obviously) and Darryn got this soup they were known for that came with unlimited bowls. That burger was one of the best burgers I have had, After dinner we went to see (and walk behind) Seljalandsfoss waterfall. So amazing.
After that we decided to do the drive to Hveragerdi. We really wanted to experience the Reykjadalur hot spring thermal river and we knew the best time would be really late at night/early morning. We arrived and parked the van at around 11. The climb/walk up to the river was really foggy with cloud cover since it was a really rainy day. I am so happy that we decided to go at this time because when we did arrive we had the whole river pretty much to ourselves. The only other people by the time we left were 2 locals that had brought 2 out of country friends for a visit. So we enjoyed some beverages in the river with them. The river was so neat, it got hotter the higher you went and there was natural pool areas that you could just sit and lounge. There is absolutely no privacy for changing so be warned. You should be use to it by now anyway. There is also no covered area for your items in case it happens to be raining. There is just a boardwalk that they just recently built along side the river with a few t shape stalls. Its a 3 km hike each way so make sure you add that in when coming here. It was just after 3 am by the time we got back to the van. Remember Iceland is 5 hours behind us so it was really only 10 to us. 
We stayed in the campground in Hveragerdi. It was a nice campground that offered showers and laundry facilities. You pay the office in the morning. 

Day 7- When we woke up we decided to dry some of our stuff because a lot of it got wet the day before since it was a rainy one. We also wanted to dry some because we were getting on a plane the next day. You can buy tokens for the dryer from the office. 
When we left there we went to a bakery in town called Almar to pick up some stuff for the drive. OK, this place is heaven. They offer so much stuff and so much good stuff that it was slightly overwhelming and if you love food as much as us you will walk out with 1 of almost everything. We seriously had bags full of random stuff that we just snacked on for the whole day. It easily became our breakfast, lunch, and snacks for the day. You should definitely go there! 
From there we headed to see the famous Golden Circle. The Golden Circle is in PingVellir National Park 40 km from Reykjavik . This is a loop that brings you to 3 main attractions. Pingvellir (a meeting point of the continental tectonic plates), Geysir (a spouting hot spring), and Gullfoss (a roaring waterfall). We only went to the Geysir and Gullfoss. To be honest we were kind of disappointed that we saved this for our last day. Don't get me wrong both places were super cool but with all the hype about the golden circle I guess we were expecting more. The rest of the country is so much more amazing!!! Its really sad that most people who come to Iceland only venture to The Golden Circle or Blue Lagoon. The Geysir was pretty neat but super busy. They have a massive gift shop there. I loved everything but everything was also way over this girls budget. Gullfoss kind of reminded us of Niagara Falls. So it was kind of like a been there done that thing. Maybe we were just spoiled by the rest of the country and should of done this first?
After the golden circle we drove into Reykjavik. We spent the rest of the day walking around the city and going in their shops. We ate dinner at a pub called Islenski Barinn. We choose here because Darryn really wanted to try Hakarl before we left. Hakarl is an Icelandic delicacy. Its Greenland shark that has been cured with a particular fermentation process and hung to dry for four to five months. They usually give you a shot of black death to wash it down. It came out in a sealed little glass jar and the smell was absolutely disgusting. It made my eyes water. I still to this day have no idea how he got it down. Other than that he got a steak and I got one of their burgers. Both were very good. After dinner we took some drinks to go and walked to the Hallgrimskirkja Church. After a quick visit there we just walked around the city again and found ourselves getting a famous hot dog from Bæjarins Beztu Pylsur. You have to get everything on it or you will not get the whole experience apparently. It was a good hot dog but I think most people who rave about this are drunk at 4 am. 
Shortly after that we got back in our camper van and drove to a campground in Grindivik. We had a time slot booked at The Blue lagoon early the next morning before having to go to the airport so we wanted to cut any driving time. The campground was in a a very cute coastal town 10 minutes away from the Blue Lagoon. We went to bed earlyish.

Day 8- We woke up in the morning early (for once). Nothing in the small town was open and we wanted to get some breakfast before going into The Blue Lagoon. There was a hotel with a breakfast buffet beside The Blue Lagoon so we went there. It was horrible and expensive. Don't make this mistake. 
We went to the Blue Lagoon for our time slot with our tickets I purchased a couple months in advance online.
I want to start off by saying this- The Blue Lagoon is very expensive but I think you should go so you can experience it. If you don't there will always be a part of you that would wonder. So just suck it up, spend the money and go to the Blue Lagoon. DO NOT get your hair wet. DO apply a generous amount of the free conditioner from the locker room in your hair and leave it in. You will thank me later. The water has a very high amount of silica and although it doesn't harm your hair it will leave it so incredibly dry for days. You wont even be able to manage it. Other than that, try not to think about how much money you spent and enjoy your time there. 
We spent a couple of hours before it was time for us to pack up and head to the airport. Side note- We enjoyed the Myvatn Baths just as much but they are on the other side of the country. If we ever go back we would not return to the Blue Lagoon but we do not regret our experience there at all.

So that is a bit of our journey to Iceland. It is the one country so far that we say everybody should experience at least once. It feels like you are on a planet that's like Mars and Avatar combined. We will definitely return one day! Thanks for reading and Happy Travels!!

Link for campervan- https://www.airbnb.ca/rooms/19092087?s=67&shared_item_type=1&virality_entry_point=1&sharer_id=89173730

*Directions to Hot pot outside Varmahilio-Turn on 752 until you reach 753. Turn left. Follow the right most roads until you pass a farm and horse field. You should see a parking lot with a sign to hotpot Fosslaug. Park here than cross the gate that's for horses. Cross another gate and then you will come to a waterfall. Then a bridge. On the other side of the bridge follow the river bank towards the waterfall. Please note- There are NO change rooms. Also don't forget to pack a beverage ;)